pasteurized beer造句

"pasteurized beer"是什么意思   


  1. Low-pasteurized beer is packed in glass returnable bottle of 0.5 l.
  2. A key difference between real ale and pasteurized beer is yeast.
  3. At this point, however, a $ 100, 000.00 shipment of under-pasteurized beer was released to the new market's of Ohio and California.
  4. In the 1920s the brewery began selling pasteurized beer in crown corked glass bottles permitting G鰏ser to market their beer outside of Austria.
  5. England's Campaign for Real Ale claims the pasteurized beers are more bland and urges consumers to go traditional with the slogan " Beware of the Blandits ."
  6. It's difficult to find pasteurized beer in a sentence. 用pasteurized beer造句挺难的


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